Thursday, November 12, 2020
What Will Happen to the Pure Interest Rate If People Were Certain that the World Would End in the Near Future?
The Final Market Rates of Interest Reflect the PURE Interest Rate PLUS OR MINUS Entrepreneurial Risk and Purchasing Power Components
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Levying Income Taxes Causes a Shift to a Higher Proportion of Consumption and a Lower Proportion of Saving and Investment
It Is Fallacious to Assume that the State Can Simply Add or Subtract Its Expenditures from that of the Private Economy
Thus, aggregative economics is a drastic misrepresentation of reality. The aggregates are merely an arithmetic cloak over the real world, where multitudes of firms and individuals react and interact in a highly complex manner. The alleged “basic determinants” of the Keynesian system are themselves determined by complex interactions within and between these aggregates.
Monday, November 9, 2020
The "Cyclically Balanced Budget" Was the First Keynesian Concept to be Poured Down the Orwellian Memory Hole
Originally, Keynesians vowed that they, too, were in favor of a “balanced budget,” just as much as the fuddy-duddy reactionaries who opposed them. It’s just that they were not, like the fuddy-duddies, tied to the year as an accounting period; they would balance the budget, too, but over the business cycle. Thus, if there are four years of recession followed by four years of boom, the federal deficits during the recession would be compensated for by the surpluses piled up during the boom; over the eight years of cycle, it would all balance out.
Evidently, the “cyclically balanced budget” was the first Keynesian concept to be poured down the Orwellian memory hold, as it became clear that there weren’t going to be any surpluses, just smaller or larger deficits. A subtle but important corrective came into Keynesianism: larger deficits during recessions, smaller ones during booms.
—Murray N. Rothbard, “Keynesianism Redux,” The Free Market 7, no. 1 (January 1989): 3.
Government Investment Is a Form of Socialism and Fascism Is Private Ownership Subject to Comprehensive Government Control and Planning
Investment is a key decision in the operation of any economic system. And government investment is a form of socialism. Only confusion of thought, or deliberate duplicity, would deny this. For socialism, as any dictionary would tell the Keynesians, means the ownership and control of the means of production by government. Under the system proposed by Keynes, the government would control all investment in the means of production and would own the part it had itself directly invested. It is at best mere muddleheadedness, therefore, to present the Keynesian nostrums as a free enterprise or “individualistic” alternative to socialism.There was a system that had become prominent and fashionable in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s that was precisely marked by this desired Keynesian feature: private ownership, subject to comprehensive government control and planning. This was, of course, fascism.
The State Apparatus, the 4th Class of Society, Is a “Deus Ex Machina” External to the Market Guided by Scientific Philosopher Kings
To develop a way out, Keynes presented a fourth class of society. Unlike the robotic and ignorant consumers, this group is described as full of free will, activism, and knowledge of economic affairs. And unlike the hapless investors, they are not irrational folk, subject to mood swings and animal spirits; on the contrary, they are supremely rational as well as knowledgeable, able to plan best for society in the present as well as in the future.
This class, this deus ex machina external to the market, is of course the state apparatus, as headed by its natural ruling elite and guided by the modern, scientific version of Platonic philosopher kings. In short, government leaders, guided firmly and wisely by Keynesian economists and social scientists (naturally headed by the great man himself), would save the day. In the politics and sociology of The General Theory, all the threads of Keynes’s life and thought are neatly tied up.Only Continual Doses of New Money on the Credit Market Will Keep the Boom Going and the New Stages Profitable
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Keynes Severed the Evident Link Between Savings and Investment, Claiming the Two Are Unrelated
The Austrian Contribution Was to Posit the Deviation of the Market Rate from the Natural Rate as the CAUSE of the Trade Cycle
The price mechanism, then, coordinates economic activity. In a trade cycle, economic activity somehow becomes uncoordinated. In particular, in the crisis stage of the cycle an overproduction of capital goods exists. As such, any adequate theory of the cycle must explain how this situation of disequilibrium in this specific market arises. What keeps the interest rate from performing its coordinative function?
Once again Wicksell’s framework proved helpful. Wicksell posited another interest rate, the ‘market rate of interest’. The market rate is influenced by banks’ lending activities and can differ from the natural rate: Specifically, it will fall below the natural rate whenever banks increase the amount of credit. Wicksell used the natural rate / market rate distinction to discuss movements in the general price level. The Austrian contribution was to posit the deviation of the market rate from the natural rate as the cause of the trade cycle.
—Bruce Caldwell, ed., editor’s introduction to The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, vol. 9, Contra Keynes and Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence, by F. A. Hayek (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1995), 15.